(Image info: "Positive Thinker" by Leland Francisco (2011). Flickr.)
For my final Famous Last Words, I wanted to mention some personal things. My semester was the hardest I have ever had and this is my super senior year! I hope this can serve as a good message for people in the future or anyone in this class that might be struggling with the same things.
I started this semester in 17 credit hours. I ended this semester in only 6 credit hours because I dropped the other classes. I may only pass one class and am struggling to pass the other. Now, for the longest time I was always so very scared of failure. I thought it would be the end of the world. This semester has taught me that sometimes life has different plans for us than what we have for ourselves at the time. I am looking forward to my last semester here to get things back in shape and stay on top of everything!
My family and I struggled through a huge financial crisis this year and I was unable to stay in Norman for quite some time due to it. I did not have internet access back home and so I tried to stay on top of my class from the library, but eventually it just got overwhelming. There were a lot of situations that came up that I had not experienced before and it really wrecked havoc on my school semester.
Now, what has helped me get back up this month, is the help and support of my department and the Goddard clinic. They offer free counselling for anyone who is struggling in college for pretty much any reason! If you have anxiety, depression, fear, or anything about school, relationships, your life away from school, anything, you can speak with wonderful counselors over there for free. They legit are the reason I've been able to try to finish my semester out now that I am back in Norman with some stability!
So PLEASE! If you end up in any semester feeling like you are struggling to find motivation, feel anxious, or can't get out of bed. Or if you have problems with any sort of thing whatsoever, do yourself the biggest favor and get help. They can help you come up with plans to lessen your stress, anxiety, depression, keep up with school, tackle problems head on, and more. For me, I got so behind that I kept just putting off getting things together. I just gave up. But now I am trying to kick my own butt and finish with passing grades!
On that note, I hope everyone had a wonderful semester. I hope next semester is wonderful. I hope next year is wonderful. Keep your heads up, get through, because you will feel such a sense of achievement when you get that paper! And remember, sometimes it gets tough. It is okay to take a break, or slow down, and sometimes you might even mess up and feel bad. It's okay. Failure is not forever and it is not to be feared. It builds us up and makes us stronger. :) You will overcome.
Happy Holidays!
Thank you so much for this post: I had one of those years in school too when I was an undergraduate (for me, junior year: disaster!), and the counseling services came to the rescue for me too. Learning how to bounce back and ride the roller-coaster that is life is a more important lesson than anything that you learn in school, and I will be hoping GOOD THINGS for you in 2015!!! Bring on the new year!!!